Lyon Tech's SpamCat e-mail filtering
service is unlike other solutions that have to be installed on
your local desktop or server to filter email. The SpamCat service
is positioned between the Internet and your corporate network.
Therefore, SpamCat is able to stop spam and email viruses before
they ever reach your company's computer network.
All incoming email is routed through Lyon Tech’s secure
data center and scanned by our spam filtering servers. Each email
is scanned and filtered using a very complex set of filters that
look at the message content as well as where/who the email was
sent from. These processes are done in an automated environment
that prevents anyone from viewing or intercepting valid email.
Lyon Tech’s engineers constantly monitor evolving spammer
tactics to ensure customers have the most accurate and effective
spam filtering possible. All of Lyon Tech’s spam filters
are updated on an hourly basis to ensure accurate results.
Each INBOUND email message is checked
- Common words or phrases that are known to be associated with
spam or viruses.
Headers - Spammers will usually falsify the "envelope"
information on their messages in an attempt to hide their identity.
- Databases of confirmed known commercial spammers or insecure
mail servers.
- An internal list of trusted email addresses or domains.
- To eliminate the risk of damage or exploitation of your network
- Artificial Intelligence considers all factors to make an informed
SpamCat's INBOUND Responses:
an inbound message is found to contain a virus or is certified
as spam, the message is rejected entirely, and will never clutter
up your inbox.
an inbound message looks suspicious, SpamCat will forward you
the message, wrapped within a warning message, so you can instantly
identify and delete suspicious messages before you ever open them.
an inbound message is certified as "clean", you will
receive the message untouched.
Each OUTBOUND email is checked
- To protect your professional reputation and to reduce the spread
of dangerous emails.
- Whenever you send a message to someone, SpamCat will then trust
future messages sent to you by that person, reducing the likelihood
of a "false positive".
SpamCat's OUTBOUND Responses:
an outbound message is found to contain a virus, it will be cleaned,
and a warning message will be returned to the internal email sender
to let them know they have a virus infection.
other outbound email is sent untouched to it's intented recipient.
Call us today at (877) 596-5966 to learn
more about SpamCat or to sign up! In less than 24 hours, your
company's email will be clean, secure, and productive again!